The first thing we read in this passage is, "After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go." The number 70 really jumped out at me when I read this! On any given Sunday, we fall in the range of 70 in attendance. This passage, my friends, is about us!
We are called into all
the places that God intends to go… wherever that is. We are not called to take anything but ourselves, just us…
and go wherever God intends to go.
In the month of June, we will spend an entire month on one biblical passage, Luke 10:1-12, focusing on different pieces of how it might speak to us as we move into searching for a new vision, new life, new breath in this connection called NUMC.
It is time to find our
mission in the world, in the neighborhood, in the suburbs we call Gunbarrel, on the block we call Lookout Road. God is calling us to show others the love of Christ… not alone, mind
you, we don't have to do this work alone… the scripture suggests pairs… but it also suggests we don't need any props with us... only our good word telling the good news.
We are to be kind and
gracious, accept what is offered to us, but we don’t have to push ourselves on
people. If people turn us away, this scripture says our peace returns to
us. We simply move to the next
place. And, believe it or not, even in our unaccepted places and situations, we
have left an imprint of God there.
Our God is not just within the walls of 7405 Lookout Road. Our community is not just within the walls of 7405 Lookout Road. We also don't just find God in the Homeless Shelter or in the AA meetings, though God is surely there, as much as anywhere. God is also in the suburbs.... moving in and among the rental signs, the for sale signs, the under contract signs. God moves among us in all facets of our lives. God's contract is to sign us onto a lifetime mortgage of loving our neighbor.
How do we pair up to move into the world? Where in these suburbs do you see evidence of God at work? What is God calling us 70 to do?
Email me or comment below.