Monday, May 15, 2017

Crossroad Transformations: "The Gift of Understanding"

Sermon Series: June 4-18
Crossroad Transformations

June 4 is the next Sunday I will be in the pulpit. It's Pentecost Sunday, the perfect Sunday to begin talking about the crossroad at which we find ourselves.  One month from Pentecost Sunday, you will begin your journey with a new pastor and I will begin mine with a new congregation. We are indeed at a crossroad.  We have several possible ways we can all move to the next phase.  So it's time we consulted our inner GPS. Our God Positioning System.

The Pentecost scripture is familiar to us... the followers of Jesus all gathered together in one place.  Common ground. Community. 

 And suddenly like the rush of a violent wind, the Spirit enters the room.  Flames of fire seem to rest on everyone's heads and suddenly everyone can speak in languages that all of the diverse populations that exist among them can understand.

Sounds like a message to spread the good news to everyone. Sounds like the same message of diversity and extension of love Jesus always preached.  But how do we do it?

First we need to allow ourselves to be blown away by the workings of the Spirit. Those of us in the highly-intellectual world of Christianity sometimes shy away from the Holy Spirit in our faith lives. But this moment of Pentecost clearly shows that the Spirit is not just for those who are more emotional about their faith.

This moment of the Spirit entering the room happens simultaneously with the very learned and intellectual moment of understanding another language and interpreting another language.  Which is the second thing we need to think about as we live into this Pentecostal crossroad.  What do we need to engage our brains in, what do we need to learn that we haven't before that will connect us to someone else who doesn't think the way we do?

The crossroad this week is understanding...  At what point do we allow the Spirit to guide our understanding and our learning so that we can better reach someone who would love to have God's love in the ways we do here. 

What do you need to learn?  What do you need to let go of to allow the Spirit to work in  you?

God be with you in the days ahead. I will see you on June 4 and we can let the Spirit blow us away with God's plans for us.  We will head different directions, but God will guide us all.


Future sermons and hymns:

June 11: “Taking the First Step”
2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28:16-20
“For the Beauty of the Earth” UMH 92
“Down to the River to Pray” W&S 3164
“Go, Make of All Disciples” UMH 571

June 18: “Welcome Mats in Every Direction”
Psalm 89:1-4;  Matthew 10:40-42
‘How Firm a Foundation” UMH 529
“Pass It On” UMH 572
“In the Midst of New Dimensions” TFWS 2238

June 25 Susan Warren preaching

Monday, May 8, 2017


Once you weren’t a people, but now you are God’s people. . . . Once you hadn’t received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

This is quite a Sunday we have coming up.  It is going to be a wonderful day. We are celebrating the young people  of our congregation through the confirmation of Erica and Olivia and the presentation of third-grade bibles to Dash and Elliot.  We could not be prouder of our young people. They are fun to be around, dedicated, helpful, kind and generous.  They love to help out and they love to be part of things. And we love that they are part of our church family.  

With so much celebrating of our youth, it's a good time to reflect on the journey of faith we are on, directed by God's grace and mercy. 1 Peter says like a newborn baby, we desire the pure milk of the word... and with it we will be nourished and grow into salvation.

The Methodists call this journey sanctifying grace. We are first surrounded by prevenient grace, and then in our acknowledgement of what God is doing in our lives, we are recipients of justifying grace. The rest of our days we are headed toward what Wesley called "going on to perfection," heading toward wholeness and full salvation in God's grace... sanctification.

Big words, maybe, but the sentiment is straightforward.  God loves you when you don't even know God is God. And God walks with you in ways that make you finally realize God is God. And God continues to walk with you all the days of your life as you journey ever closer to being one with God.

We come to worship this week knowing to whom we belong. And giving thanks for those whom we are privileged to share our own faith stories with so that they, too, can grow in the faith.

And it is in this continuing nurture of the next generation that we will all receive our sanctification. Helping a young person to grow their faith creates a legacy... and also a future. It gives us the ability to walk boldly into tomorrow hand-in-hand with the God who loves us all.

Now you are God's people.  Now you have received mercy.  Thanks be to God.

Monday, May 1, 2017


Acts 2:42-47

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) from

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. 44 All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45 they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds[a] to all, as any had need. 46 Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home[b]and ate their food with glad and generous[c] hearts, 47 praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

As I stated a few weeks ago, when this came up in the Lenten series on Grounded  this is one of my favorite scriptures.  People so completely devoted to one another in the community and their shared mission to do good to one another that all who were touched by them wanted to join them.  The message of the Good News spreading to all who heard it.

That warm and fuzzy feeling of a congregation sharing all they have with one another. That is what we celebrate on this day.  The many ways large and small we have made a positive difference and will continue to make a positive difference in the world in the days ahead as the little church with a big heart. From Outreach funds and projects, to UMCOR trips, to refurbishing our building and sharing it with others, we have and are making a difference in people's lives.
Come join us as we give thanks, praise God, and share the good news and the table of God's grace with one another.