Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Club and The Player

Galatians 6:1-10

As July gets underway, I thought we might spend a month at the ballpark. The sermon series for this month is The Boys of Summer: Biblical Baseball.  It's kind of funny, because I am not athletic at all. My two years playing little league softball were pathetic... I like to think it was mostly because I needed glasses and didn't know it... but in reality, even if I could have seen the ball, I doubt I could have hit it, caught it, or otherwise.  But, I do love watching a good baseball game... being a part of the experience and, though I may not know the ins and 'outs' (ha, a pun) of the game like some of you, I do hope to be able to use some great baseball imagery this month as we talk about being people of Christ.

This week's scripture reading says at least two things that are worth pondering.  1) bear one another's burdens. 2) all must test their own work; then that work, rather than their neighbor's work, will be a cause for pride. All must carry their own loads.

Hmm... so as a player on a team, it is important that we understand that we carry one another, to some degree... we are not a 'team of one,' even though the US Army used that as an advertising slogan a few years ago.  The "Club" as it is called in professional baseball is a group of people all working for the "W," hard to win if you are on your own.

But, the "Player" can't rely on the "Club" to pull him through, to make him or her look good.  When I think back to my own days of pitiful softball... I sat on the bench (willingly and gratefully) and I prayed the ball would not come to me when they did let me play in the outfield.  Not the best team player, huh?  The real and dedicated player has the club's best interests at heart.  "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play..." as the song "Centerfield" says...

How do we carry our own loads, take our own stands, be our own voice for God in a context that also needs us to be part of the team, the Club?  What times is it ok to be on your own and what times is it best to figure out what role you play as a member of something larger than yourself?

Email me or comment below.

Oh, and P.S: Speaking of baseball imagery, when the professional players go up to bat, they have special walk-up music that plays as they head up to the plate... What would your walk up music be as you head up to be a part of the Community of God? What should mine be before I preach?

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