Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Finding Your Inner Elvis

Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
O LORD, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, O LORD, you know it completely. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.

Take a look and listen at Elvis in the 1950s.
Elvis had talent that was obviously God-given. He never took formal music lessons, could not even read music, but his unique, velvety voice was one that even the strongest Elvis critic cannot deny made a big impact in music history.

Elvis did not have a privileged upbringing. He did not have many of the opportunities many of us have been sure we gave our children.  He struggled with lots of problems, personal and public. His drug addiction likely was the result of some of his inner struggles and eventually led to his premature death.

So, what do I mean by "find your inner Elvis?" Find your inner struggle and attack it with pills? Of course not.  What I mean is, find the complex, talented, blow-it-off-the charts rock star that is lurking around in your everyday life and project it forward in an amazing way.

In September, we celebrate our annual "Feast of Beginnings" fall kickoff all month long with a look back at the 1950s, in song, in word, in theatrics, in pictures. Elvis begins that for us this week. Our choir is focusing on the gospel music that Elvis recorded in the 1950s.  Elvis loved gospel music and the music of the faith was very close to his heart.

How is it that someone who obviously felt close to the church ended up with such isolating personal struggles?  Happens every day. Right?  Among us right now is any number of persons who struggle with all of the complexities of life, some in debilitating and harmful ways. Others in more productive ways.  Why is it that Elvis, or others like him, probably knew well the words to psalms like Psalm 139 above and heard the power of God always being a part of their created being, and yet fail to feel God's love in so many times of struggle.

You see, here in the body of Christ, we all have a little inner Elvis. The magical and explosive talent that is either nurtured and fed in positive ways throughout life, or the magical and explosive talent that lets the worries of the world overtake the gospel message. We are all Elvis on any given day. The talented superstar Elvis. And the lonely, desperate Elvis.

What is your inner strength or talent?  What is your personal struggle?  How do you keep them both in balance.  Email me or comment below.

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