John 3:17
Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
Romans 4:13-17 (The Message)
Abraham was first named "father" and then became a father because he dared to trust God to do what only God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing.
Abraham's story is the stuff of Hollywood movie making. A man and his wife who is long past child- bearing years, are settling in for the next chapter in their lives. God asks them not only to uproot their entire lives (along with their entourage), but tells them that Abraham will be the father of many nations, that Sarah will bear a child. It is the stuff of Field of Dreams... built it and they will come. Move and trust God and you will have many descendants. Crazy stuff.
But the story here isn't necessarily about what happened but about Abraham's choice to trust in God. And Sarah's. The choice to believe that God will not break the covenant with you. That God will be there through all the changes that head your way. That God can make miracles happen, but only if you play your own part in making that so.
This week's heirloom image is 'recycled junk.' Do you have anything that was once one thing that now you use for something else. Someone sent me this image from Facebook because it reminded them of this week's theme.
How cool. Take a door and make it into picture frames and a place to hang things. Very nice idea! Do you have anything that has been recycled for another use? This isn't exactly on target, but I have the armchairs that my parents had when I was born. There are pictures of me sitting on the chairs when I was six months old and, 46 years later I still sit on those chairs. That's not recycling for another use, but it is sending it to the next generation. I would love to know what things you have recycled to another generation, or have recycled for another use. Please bring some of those things on Sunday, if you can. Please no chairs or couches, etc. Haha.
God took Abraham, old and frayed and no longer looking forward, and recycled him into the father of many nations. The father of what would eventually become Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Powerful new use from one tired man.
What things have you recycled for new purposes or have you restored to give new life? Email me o comment below.
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