Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"... your work produced by faith."

We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Last week we shared in the absolute joy of having our children guide and lead us in worship. It was wonderful to see the Spirit come alive in their beautiful faces. Thank you so much to the children and youth for leading us. 

This week we will have one of our Rocky Mountain Conference district superintendents preaching in our worship service. Rev. Deb Olenyik, supeintendent of the the Wyoming district, will be our honored guest preacher.

Rev. Olenyik will be preaching from the text in 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 in which Paul is writing to the people of Thessolonica and reminding them of the importance of their work done THROUGh FAITH.  We will be in prayer for her this week as she prepares to be in the midst of our NUMC family and share the Word of God with us.

Maybe praying in community for the Spirit to move among us would be a good way to prepare for this Sunday.  I spent this morning  adapting into a prayer the words of Psalm 99 as written in The Message.  Let us pray this communally this week as we remember the work of faith in this congregation and the labor of love and the steadfastness of hope we all share in the global church community.

O God, you are our ruler. We take notice of you as you reign from on high, as you tower in splendor over every living thing.  We praise your greatness. You are holy, yes holy.

O God, lover of justice, you laid things out fair and square, you set down the foundations of justice and righteousness. We worship you. You are holy, yes holy.

O God, your priests who have come before us, Moses and Aaron and Samuel… they all prayed to you and you answered them. You spoke to them from the pillar of cloud and they kept your law.  We lift you high, O God, we still worship at your mountain. You are holy, yes holy.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Pam, I could "hear" you reading the prayer/scripture at the end of your blog; the way you read has really "imprinted" on me.

