Monday, March 16, 2015

"Shine With the Flavor of Love" (preacher this week, Katie Warren)

Matthew 5:13-16

Katie Warren is our preacher this week.  She is preaching on the passage from the Sermon on the Mount that encourages us to be salt of the earth and lights shining on a hill for all to see.

Here's what Brian McLaren says about this passage in We Make the Road by Walking.

"Like salt that brings out the best flavors in food, we will bring out the best in our community and society. Also like salt, we will have a preservative function--opposing corruption and decay. Like light that penetrates and eradicates darkness, we will radiate health, goodness, and well-being to warm and enlighten those around us. Simply by being who we are--living boldly and freely in this new identity as salt and light--we will make a difference as long as we don't lose our 'saltiness' or try to hide our light... 'Wow,' people will say, 'when I see the goodness and kindness of your lives, I can believe there's a good and kind God out there, too."

I look forward to hearing what Katie has to say on this scripture passage.  She is already such a beacon of light for all of us, so hearing from her on this passage will be a wonderful addition to our Lenten journey this year.

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