Wednesday, January 4, 2017

"Turn and Follow the Light"

(Due to a scheduling change because of the weather and choir director 'auditions', the worship plan for Jan 8 and Jan 22 are now switched.)

In this passage we find Jesus studying the prophet Isaiah and seeing that his call is to bring light to the darkness.  John has been arrested and things are bleak.  So Jesus begins preaching and telling people, "Repent, for the kingdom of God is near."   Repent would have meant both "change your mind," and "change your inner self,"  Perfect words for us to consider as we think about the New Year and all it brings. Also, Jesus asked people directly to follow him.  He tells him he will show them how to gather others into the fold.

We could use some help with this, Jesus.  How do we change our ways here at Niwot UMC and how do we learn to share the good news?

The heart of this story lies not in Jesus' calling, but in the fact that those whom he called FOLLOWED. They followed his message, they proclaimed the gospel per his instruction, they cared for the sick, reached out to those on the margins. They didn't say no. They didn't say "let me check my calendar," they didn't say "I can't commit to that right now, Jesus," they just followed him.

I think this passage says several things to us. You may think of more than these, but these are the instructions I see and hear in this passage:

1) Change our 'inner selves' so that we are more focused on God and what God wants from us. If we don't change ourselves, we can't follow what Jesus wants us to learn and do and be. But how? Perhaps through prayer or meditation or singing hymns or reading the Bible. Perhaps through feeding the hungry,  or caring for those in need.

2) Follow the light of Christ out the door and into our community. The fishermen by the seashore did not stay by the seashore and their nets. They returned to them from time to time, I'm sure, but they ventured out on a new path with Jesus and found a new way to 'fish.' Our instruction:  Find ways to bring Niwot UMC to Gunbarrel and Niwot area folks, instead of hoping they will walk in the door here.

3) Listen to what Jesus says, watch what he does, and follow him. Without delay. Without figuring out how it fits into our lives. Just do it.  The fishermen did not look around to see if someone was more qualified than they were. They didn't say, "let me think about it." We can't either. We don't wait for someone else who is more qualified or more available to do it. We spread the good news now. 

Thoughts? Comments?  Email me at or comment by clicking the comments link below. 

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