While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. --Luke 24:15-16
When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him... Luke 24:30-31
This famous scripture called the Road to Emmaus is full of wonder and mystery. Jesus, the Risen Christ, walks along the road with two of his followers and they don't recognize him. Later, after they invite him in to their table, and he breaks bread with them, they suddenly realize who he is.
What a scripture this is! How often do we not recognize the face of Christ among us. How often do we allow the Christ in our midst to walk on by without a greeting, a word of comfort, a touch? Fortunately for these followers, they did invite Jesus in for dinner. And it is in the sharing of a meal together that they finally see who he is.
In this time of threatening church schism and unrest in our society in general, what might it be like to start recognizing that Christ is with us on the road? You know he's there. So you'd better expect to see him. In an unexpected form. Waiting for us to invite him in.
Perhaps it's time to extend the dinner table in our own church, in our lives, in our neighborhood, in our society. Perhaps it's time we started sitting down together with strangers more often and breaking bread until we become friends. Perhaps it's time to really see instead of pretending to see.
Please pray for our UMC, the Judicial Council, our bishop, our jurisdiction, and our conference during this week when the validity of Bishop Karen's election is brought before the Judicial Council. Who are we not recognizing as the face of Christ in the midst of division?
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