Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Food Network

John 6:1-21

This story is probably one of the top five most famous Bible stories. The account of Jesus taking a little boy's lunch and miraculously blessing it so that it feeds over 5000 people has been told throughout the centuries with great gusto. It is counted as one of Jesus' miracles with good reason.

I have no doubt it was a miracle indeed. But what I wonder about is the way it all occurred. I think Jesus' actual miracle in offering the blessing might have centered more around having people who were tired and sorely wanting... they came looking to Jesus for help after all.... being able to pull together and get past their individual crisis to share themselves with one another.

I have to think that surely more than one little boy's mom remembered to pack him a loaf and fish lunch?  Surely others had food on them as well; after all they had long walks everywhere they went. Is it possible then, that Jesus is able to use the beautiful miracle of this little boy's willingness to share a lunch as a catalyst for everyone doing so?

Frank told a story during children's time last week of a congregation that invited an immigrant congregation to a potluck, but didn't explain to them what a potluck was... everyone bringing a dish to pass...  and yet, somehow everyone was fed.  The miracle is that in some kind of wonderful Pentecost moment, everyone gets on the same page and understands what it means to pool together resources and share, and the ways that can lead to abundance beyond imagination.

Let's consider what we can do to share a little more of what we have each week to give to the collective body. If we all give a little, as the story says, we will be surprised by the abundance we have left over.

What cool miracles have you witnessed? Have you ever seen a little turn into an abundance? Email me or comment below.

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