Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Underlying Issues

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8; Mark 9:30-37

We all have them. Issues.  Stuff we leave unresolved or lying around somewhere in the corners of our minds that reaches out to get us when we least expect it. Baggage. Left unresolved or unattended for very long can lead to anger and resentment.

In the James passage, we read of what happens when we are unsatisfied with ourselves. We try to find happiness in nonspiritual ways and forget to seek that peace that comes from above. We get into conflicts and disputes and other wickedness because we submit to greed and worldly pleasures and not to God.

In the Mark passage, we read of the disciples arguing with themselves about who is the greatest.  Sounds almost like a presidential debate.  Ugh.  And Jesus says, very succinctly, that the one wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.

Going on, he says if you really want to 'get it,' you will learn that whoever welcomes a child, also welcomes him.  A child was thought of as little more than property. Bottom of the barrel in that society. And Jesus says we are to think of children as our most welcome of all. Which pretty much takes whatever we might want for ourselves out of the equation.

We have so much internal stuff we deal with, inside and outside the church.  We have those who 'want it done the way it always has been done;' we have those who 'have already done their fair share;' and we have those who 'would love to but can't commit to it' within our ranks.  We have those who get paid to do the work and those who would never dream of being paid to do the work.  And sometimes, all that creates a sort of tension, an awareness of a set of underlying issues, that needs addressing, mending, sorting, and maybe even re-creating.

How are the underlying issues in your own life affecting you today? How are the church's or society's underlying issues affecting you? When they do affect you, what do you do? Do you put your head in the sand? Do you walk away? Do you resolve to work out something that works for you? Do you resolve to follow your gut/God instinct no matter what?

Email me or comment below.

1 comment:

  1. The only comment I have is on the piece of scripture that keeps jumping out at me from James 3:17 "But the wisdom from above is first . . ., willing to yield, . . . "

    Willing to yield, as in willing to say "yes" when the fist reaction is to say "no".

    A wisdom that is curious as a child, to not shut down or shut out but stay open.

    Imagine that!
