Monday, July 6, 2015

"Judas and Betrayal: He's Not Alone"

Also, for additional reading, here is  a link to the translation of the document found that is believed to be The Gospel of Judas  made available online by the National Geographic Society.

One night at a Wednesday evening Bible study at another church about a decade ago, the group was discussing the disciple Peter, or maybe they were discussing the disciple Judas... I really can't remember, but the conversation led me to have a thought that I knew might be radical for the group I was in.

I raised my hand, anyway. I was in seminary; I had other thoughts than the direction this conversation was going! When called upon I said, "I really don't see that much difference in Peter and Judas.  I mean, they were both disciples and they both betrayed Jesus at the end."  There was a bit of awkward silence.  Then, the conversation redirected back to it's original space.

But I must tell you, I still don't see much difference.  I mean, Peter repented, yes.  But Judas doesn't even get a chance to repent in the Gospel of Mark. He betrays and is never seen again.  In Matthew 27 he actually does repent, tries to give back the money, and hangs himself in remorse.  And In Acts 1 he falls in the middle of a field that he has supposedly purchased with the money and his intestines explode. 

So, why do we vilify Judas?  In the end,  EVERY SINGLE DISCIPLE leaves Jesus alone to be arrested, whipped, crucified.. They all run away.  Some accounts suggest that there were women there who were likely considered disciples, too, but the beloved 12 are gone.

And, according to a recently discovered ancient manuscript some believe to be a lost non-canonical gospel, The Gospel of Judas, he is the most faithful disciple because he actually DOES get what Jesus means when he says he will be sacrificed and he, Judas, is the one who helps him make that happen.  He betrays him because Jesus wants him to and asks him to.  

So what do we make of the villain we have created out of Judas?  And how does his betrayal line up with the other disciples who also betrayed by sleeping, fleeing, and hiding?  

In what ways do we create Judases of our faith now? Who do we vilify in our current day because they seem to be betraying our faith?

Let's spend the week thinking about Judas.  Email me at or comment below if you have thoughts. I would really enjoy hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, there is a broken link in this article, under the anchor text - The Gospel of Judas
    Here is the working link so you can replace it -
