Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I So Loved My Place In This World

Mark 10:35-45

"Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you... Grant one of us to sit at your right hand and one at your left."

These disciples, James and John, are asking Jesus to sit beside of him, to be important in the land of Disciple.... And Jesus flips things around on them by telling them at the end of this scripture...

"... whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all."

Not exactly what they probably had in mind.

Why is it we often wish to have a high standing among everyone else we are around? Why is it we secretly want to be recognized for doing good and feel hurt and slighted when our good work seems to go unrecognized by others?  Why is it we get jealous or envious of others who seem to 'have it all' when we sure don't.

I so loved my place in this world, O God. I so loved my place in this world that I forgot that my standing among everyone and everything in life is truly for naught if I don't first learn to love.  That golden rule is ever golden: treat others as you would want to be treated.  Show love.  Just do it.

And yet, we can't even really identify lots of times what that might mean. People say that they want this or that from their church, but does God really need for us to 'want' the church to 'give' us anything?  What is church for?  If we answer that church is for showing our love for God and neighbor, then that pretty much does away with whatever we think we are supposed to get out of it.

But, of course, it isn't so easy, is it?  We all have wants and needs from relationships and from institutions and so when we feel unfulfilled, it is easy to look elsewhere and seek something different.  Jesus clearly calls us to love without seeking a higher reward, without seeking a certificate of praise, without wanting to be #1.

What is this scripture telling us about the true job of being a part of the body of Christ?  How do we begin to do that?  Email me or comment below.

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