Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Breaking Free of Paradigms"

Acts 1: 9-6, 7-20

When we read of the conversion of Saul, we often think it is one of those 'Jesus saved me" moments. That this conversion is only about Saul (Paul) encountering the LORD, being blinded, and then immediately realizing "Jesus saves."

What actually happens requires a commitment from the community to embrace one who has shunned and persecuted them. And it requires a commitment from Ananias to listen to God and heal one who has tried to harm his people. And it requires Saul to be at the mercy of those whom he has persecuted, to hope that they won't kill him, but instead will give him solace.

The God work here is amazing. Saul is brought into the center of the community he shunned. The interventions along the way on all sides are remarkable.  It isn't about one man being able to really "SEE," it is about a community coming together to really see one another and offer God's mercy and love in the midst of human weakness.

Evangelism is personal. Someone invites another into a relationship with God through the church.  But evangelism also always requires a community's embrace.  It is God's nudging us into opening up ourselves in a way that bears witness to the Reign of God here and now. And the Reign of God is defined by connection: how we live as a community that brings love, joy, peace and justice to the world and how we show God's love to set people free from that which prevents them from receiving love, joy, peace and justice.

How do we use the example of Saul's entrance into the Christian community to help us break free of the paradigms that we have set up for 'church' in our community?  Who are we leaving out? Who has turned their backs on us? How do we come together to bring about God's reign?

Email me or comment below.

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